Using our award-winning thermal mass flow measurement technology, Fox Thermal meters can monitor the flow of methane in coal mining methane recovery processes, providing accurate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting for environmental regulations, as well as submetering captured methane to be used as an energy source.
Our flow measurement technology provides direct thermal mass flow measurement of air or gas in standard volumetric or mass units and provides an exceptionally broad measurement range, (up to 1000:1; with 100:1 typical) including very low-velocity flow rates for methane recovery.
Calibration Validation available with the CAL-V™ feature on some Fox Thermal mass flow meter models ensures that the meter still retains its original NIST-traceable calibration to ensure the meter is operating accurately in the field for methane flow measurement and GHG emissions reporting.
Fox Thermal flow meter models FT1, FT4A, and FT4X come with gas selection menus available with the Gas-SelectX® feature. Ideal for coal mine emissions flow measurements, users update gas selections when the composition changes over time for a new gas mixture that can be re-set in the field.
Coal mines must monitor and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to comply with the EPA’s Title 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart FF. Fox Thermal gas flow meters can measure the flow of GHG emissions for reporting purposes.
Methane is most commonly ventilated, flared, or recovered in coal mining, and coal mine methane (CMM) is a potent greenhouse gas that, if vented to the atmosphere, contributes to climate change. If not vented, however, CMM can create an explosive hazard inside the mine. Nevertheless, if CMM is recovered safely and used for energy, it is a valuable, clean-burning fuel source.
Three major sources of CMM:
The Fox Thermal Calibration Lab employs a wide range of gases, gas mixtures, pressures, temperatures, and line sizes to simulate actual fluid and process conditions. This real-world approach allows Fox Thermal Gas Mass Flow Meters to help mining operations comply with regulations, improve the operation of co-gen engines or methane oxidizers, and facilitate the data management processes needed to monetize greenhouse gas emission reduction.
Coal production continues to fall year over year, as the power/energy sector moves toward cleaner, more sustainable fuel sources. But coal, even in abandoned mines, still emits methane.
Natural gas, or methane, can be extracted from deep underground in coal beds. Coal Bed Methane (CBM) as a clean-burning fuel source is expected to increase as more regulations force energy companies to move away from processes that produce high levels of CO2 emissions, like coal-burning plants.
Coal is a very porous material and coal beds generally have ground water flowing through the seams. This ground water exerts pressure on the coal which holds methane gas on the surface of and in the pores of the coal. To release the methane, the water must be pumped 300 – 3,000 feet up to the surface where it can be separated from the water and used as fuel. CBM has very low solubility in water and readily separates as pressure decreases, allowing it to be piped out of the well separately from the water.
As technological advances are made, as incentives to reduce greenhouse gases increase, and as environmental pressure intensifies, the benefits of capturing and using CMM or CBM as fuel gases become more significant. Fox Thermal Flow Meters’ accuracy specification exceeds the requirements defined by the EPA and helps provide a reliable, cost-effective solution for GHG emissions monitoring challenges. At the same time, our flow meters ensure accurate measurement of the fuel gas produced.
Gas-SelectX® allows the user to define the gas composition settings in the flow meter as it changes without returning the flow meter to the factory for recalibration. This makes flow meters with the Gas-SelectX® option ideal for coal mine emissions flow measurements because the emissions may not be 100% methane and may change over time.
Users can choose from a list of multiple gases to create a customized gas mix. The gas mixes are programmable in 0.1% increments. The Gas-SelectX® feature can be accessed in the field through the front panel of the meter or by using the appropriate free software tool.
If you’re not sure which flow meter is right for your needs, our Help Me Choose app walks you through a short series of questions to help you choose the ideal meter.
Next, enter your process data and measurement requirements into our automated product configurator. Drop-down menus and Help icons will guide you to answer each question.
Save the data you entered into the configurator to create a PDF with a model code and application ID. When you're ready, submit your application to Fox Thermal for a quote.
The Fox Thermal FT1 is a cost-effective methane flow meter that comes with both Gas-SelectX® and CAL-V™ calibration validation. These allow the methane composition settings to be changed and then verified in the field, without returning the meter to the factory.
Features include:
The FT4A includes the Gas-SelectX® expanded gas selection menu and CAL-V™ calibration validation. It is CE, FM, and FMc approved, along with ATEX and IECEx. Applications include methane measurement for coal mine methane emissions.
Features include:
The FT4X thermal mass flow meter measures methane flow rate/total and temperature. It comes with a BLM accuracy-compliant data logger which maintains a 7-year history. Includes the Gas-SelectX® and the CAL-V™ calibration validation features.
Features include:
Thermal mass flow meters from Fox Thermal are the ideal solutions for measuring methane gas flow rates extracted from coal mine wastewater. See how our GHG flow meters can reduce costs, and meet requirements for greenhouse gas emissions.
It can be difficult to select the most effective flow meter technology for your application. This article examines the key characteristics to consider when choosing the best flow meters for industrial applications, such as a methane gas flow meter.
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